The Environmental Monitoring and Research Laboratory is an infrastructure supporting the Industry and the Community in chemical quality control and microbiology.

In the laboratory, work is carried out in analytical chemistry and microbiology, namely chemical and microbiological control of raw materials and products, analysis of environmental products, quality control of water, wastewater and process water, soils, and foliar analyses.

The laboratory collaborates with other national and international institutions in the development of research projects in the environmental area, executes plans for monitoring the quality of water, soil, impact assessment of the discharge of industrial effluents in the receiving environment, technical monitoring in the operation of WTPs and WWTPs, and environmental diagnostics.


Head of laboratory: Pedro Rodrigues (
Laboratory Support: Ricardo Rodrigues
Secretariat: ESTG Services (271 220 164 or 271 220 120)


The laboratory provides services in the environmental and chemical quality control areas according to national and international standards or through methodologies developed internally. In cases where it is necessary, the laboratory ensures the collection and transport operations of the samples or provides the necessary instructions so that they can be carried out by third parties.